We are happy to announce that we manually checked the appearance of the drugs manufactured by several other Canadian companies, including AA Pharma and Mylan.
Happy Holidays!
The staff of Canadian-Pill-Identifier.com wishes you all the best during these holidays!
Please stay safe!
Sivem drugs description updated
We carefully reviewed and updated the description of all the pharmaceutical products made by the company Sivem. This includes both the tablets and the capsules.
Apotex drug descriptions updated
We updated our database with description of all pharmaceutical products made by Apotex. That includes both tablets and capsules.
Pay for subscription with your credit card
We added a new payment method on Canadian Pill Identifier. From now on, in addition to PayPal, you can also use your credit card to buy the subscription.
At the present time we don’t store information about credit cards. You will need to renew your subscription manually at the end of each billing cycle.
The credit card payments are processed by Square.
Annual subscription plan on Canadian Pill Identifier
We are introducing Annual subscription plan that allows you to save 30 CAD per year.
We are also starting to offer bulk subscription discounts:
- 4-9 users – 20% discount
- more than 10 users – 40% discount
How to decipher an illegible prescription?
We published a small article that explains how to decipher an illegible prescription using Canadian Pill Identifier.
The French version of the article is available here.
Drug Product Database was updated
We updated Health Canada Drug Product database to the latest version.
Search algorithm updated
Recently we updated the algorithm of our search engine.
From now on, it takes only fractions of a second to find a drug by DIN, active ingredient or brand name.
Registration is open
Recently we received Health Canada approval for commercial use of Drug Product Database on our site. From now on, only the registered users can see the descriptions of the pills on the site.
We are also introducing the paid subscription on the site.