Résultats de recherche de produits pharmaceutiques

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ACT DORZOTIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

ACT LATANOPROST/TIMOLOL [solution] latanoprost (50), timolol (5)

APO-BRIMONIDINE-TIMOP [solution] tartrate de brimonidine (0.2), timolol (0.5)

APO-DORZO-TIMOP [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

APO-TIMOP [solution] timolol (0.5)

APO-TRAVOPROST-TIMOP PQ [solution] travoprost (0.004), timolol (0.5)

AZARGA [suspension] timolol (0.5), brinzolamide (1)

COMBIGAN [solution] tartrate de brimonidine (0.2), timolol (0.5)

COSOPT [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

COSOPT PRESERVATIVE-FREE [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

DORZOLAMIDE AND TIMOLOL EYE DROPS BP [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

DORZOLAMIDE-TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

DUOTRAV PQ [solution] travoprost (0.004), timolol (0.5)

JAMP BRIMONIDINE/TIMOLOL [solution] tartrate de brimonidine (0.2), timolol (0.5)

JAMP DORZOLAMIDE-TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

JAMP-LATANOPROST/TIMOLOL [solution] timolol (5), latanoprost (50)

JAMP-TIMOLOL [solution] timolol (0.5)

LATANOPROST AND TIMOLOL OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION [solution] latanoprost (50), timolol (5)

M-DORZOLAMIDE-TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

M-LATANOPROST-TIMOLOL [solution] latanoprost (50), timolol (5)

MED-DORZOLAMIDE-TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

MED-LATANOPROST-TIMOLOL [solution] latanoprost (50), timolol (5)

MYLAN-LATANOPROST/TIMOLOL [solution] timolol (5), latanoprost (50)

RIVA-DORZOLAMIDE/TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

SANDOZ DORZOLAMIDE/TIMOLOL [solution] dorzolamide (20), timolol (5)

SANDOZ TIMOLOL [solution] timolol (0.5)

SANDOZ TIMOLOL [solution] timolol (0.25)

TIMOLOL MALEATE-EX [solution (à libération prolongée)] timolol (0.25)

TIMOLOL MALEATE-EX [solution (à libération prolongée)] timolol (0.5)

TIMOPTIC [solution] timolol (0.5)

TIMOPTIC-XE [solution (à libération prolongée)] timolol (0.5)

XALACOM [solution] timolol (5), latanoprost (50)

32 produits trouvés.