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Active ingredients

haemophilus influenzae type b-prp, 10 MCG/0.5 ML

filamentous haemagglutinin, 25 MCG/0.5 ML

pertactin, 8 MCG/0.5 ML

hepatitis b surface antigen (recombinant), 10 MCG/0.5 ML

diphtheria toxoid, 25 LF/0.5 ML

tetanus toxoid, 10 LF/0.5 ML

poliovirus type 1 mahoney (inactivated), 40 UNIT/0.5 ML

poliovirus type 2 mef1 (inactivated), 8 UNIT/0.5 ML

poliovirus type 3 saukett (inactivated), 32 UNIT/0.5 ML

pertussis toxoid, 25 MCG/0.5 ML

tetanus toxoid adsorbed, 40 MCG/0.5 ML

DIN: 02253852

Dosage form(s): SUSPENSION

Route(s) of administration: INTRAMUSCULAR

Schedule: Schedule D


Date: 04-DEC-2008


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Glaxosmithkline Inc

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